Hill Climb Racing VS Mr Racer

Hill Climb Racing VS MR Racer

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK is the top game in which 45 vehicle are involved to play on various maps. In this game ups and down on the maps and to control the vehicle is a real skill. Mr Racer is game in which 3 phases are involved like race chase challenge. Also this game contain 15 vehicle and 100 challenges

Game Overview

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK developed by Fingersoft. MR Racer developed by ChennaiGames Studio

Features Comparison: Hill Climb Racing MOD APK vs MR Racer

Name Hill Climb Racing Mod APKMR Racer
Game OverviewDeveloped By FingersoftReleased by Chennai Games Studio
Graphics and VisualsExtraordinary Graphics3D graphics and realistic
Vehicle SelectionChoose map according to your vehicleDifferent challenges require different vehicle
Interface  User friendly InterfaceUser Friendly interface
Vehicle Customization  Customize your bike regularly to score highNew vehicle and customization for different phases and challenges
Traffic System   No Traffic is involvedYes Different challenges and race game. Depend on mode of game.
Multiplayer Mode   Single play game onlySolo player but you can play with your friend
Pricing/In-app Purchasing   Free GameFree Game
Features Comparison: Hill Climb Racing MOD APK vs MR Racer

Graphics and Visuals

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK: Graphics and visuals of this game is amazing and color are also good. Vehicle and maps are build different. MOD Version did not change anything in the graphics and visuals of the game.

MR Racer: The presence of this game is realistic and 3D graphics and visuals. It feels like you are racing with your friend on the road. 


Both of these games have user friendly interface. And you can enjoy play it with no distraction because of interface.

Vehicle Customization

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK: If you want to enjoy the game then your vehicle must be best and all of your investment should be on the vehicle so you can play on different maps on the game. You have to earn coins to purchase or upgrade the vehicle. Normally you have to earn it while playing.

In MOD version, Hill Climb Racing provide you unlimited coin from which you can purchase anything in the game and still some of the coins are left in the wallet. Also provide you max fuel to play and no ads.

MR Racer is game in which you have to play with your friend. Also there are different challenge in the game play. So your vehicle must be upgraded to high level.

Weather effects

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK: No weather effect on the game but some maps are designed different in which day and night graphics are present.

MR Racer: Yes weather effect the game and you have to compete with your friends. 100 challenges to complete there must be weather and day and night mood.

Traffic System

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK in this game no traffic is present but this game is developed for ups and down on map to save your head from crashes.

Mr Racer: In this game traffic is involved and also 100 plus challenges to complete. But you can play this game with your friend.

Multiplayer Mode

Hill Climb Racing Mod APK is a single player game but Mr Racer is game in which you can play with your friend.

Mobile VS PC gaming

Using Bluestack you can enjoy this game on PC/laptop.

Pricing/in-app Purchasing

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK: Is game in which free to play and download from our website. There is coins system in game which will be provided you unlimited in this MOD and also max fuel.

MR Racer is also a free game but you can download it from play store.


Which game is best for you it all depends on your interest? If you want to enjoy the game without any fear of coins and fuel then you can play Hill Climb Racing MOD APK. Mr Racer is game in which you can play with your friend and beat many challenges in the game to enjoy it. You can your game according to you interest.

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