Hill climb racing mod apk vs Need for speed

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK VS Need For speed

Game Overview

Hill Climb racing Mod Apk is developed by Fingersoft and was released in Sep 22, 2012. From start Hill climb racing trend was never down.

Need for speed was developed by Electronic Arts and released in 1991 By EA Canada. Need for speed was one of most successful video game franchise of all the time selling 150 million copies of it.

Game Comparison

FeatureHill Climb Racing Mod ApkNeed For Speed
Game Overview  Amazing Driving Experience with different vehicle and mapsExcellent Gaming experience but less map and Cars than Hill Climb Racing
Graphics and Visuals  Multiple Mission and Scenarios  from around the worldHigh Quality and Realistic Graphics but multiple Mission
Vehicle SelectionExpensive Vehicle for different type of mapsLimited Car and Limited maps
Customization Options  Upgradation Of Vehicle option is availableNo Upgradation
Map and Environment  Different game maps, amazing for the playerTraffic on road make game experience good
Controls and UI  Accessible controls and a user-friendly interface  Traffic systems with varying complexity and challenges
Traffic System  No Traffic in the GameTraffic System gives different challenges
Hill Climb Racing MOD APK VS Need For speed Table

Graphics and Visuals

In The graphic and visual Selection both game Hill Climb Racing and Need for Speed have their on Graphic and visual for user experience.

Hill Climb Racing MOD APK have their graphics and visual for each map and also making it user friendly

Need for Speed have limited maps but they have amazing graphic to enjoy the game.

Vehicle Selection

In Hill Climb Racing MOD APK, vehicle are constructed to enjoy versatile maps but you can go with Bike only to drive on each Map. Some maps have a lot of hurdle so bike will not be useful in those map. Moon map is good for earning bonus and coins.

Need for Speed require a lot of driving skills and having amazing graphic it also require good device to run smoothly.


Hill climb Racing MOD APK has a high-quality, accessible, and user-friendly interface. It’s easy to navigate for new gamers.

Need For Speed have lower quality interference.

Controls and Handling 

Both Need for Speed and Hill Climb Racing have good controls and handling. They are easy to handle and user friendly experience.

Vehicle Customization

In Need for speed there is no upgradation of vehicle but in Hill Climb Racing MOD APK there are 4 parts but every part have upgradation and different levels.

Traffic System

In Hill Climb Racing MOD APK, No traffic system is involved but there are a lot of hurdle and ups and down in the game map so you have to take care when you are playing the game.

In Need for Speed traffic is involve and also complete the task in the given time frame.

Weather effects and time of the day

There is no time frame and weather effect in the Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk. But in Need for Speed time is important to complete the level. No extra time is given in the completion of level.


Need for Speed and Hill Climb Racing both are amazing game but if you want to play in easy mood and no time hurdle then you have to play the Hill Climb Racing. In my option Hill Climb is good on mobile and no high level device is required for the game.

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