Hill climb racing mod apk VS Real Racing 3

Hill Climb Racing VS Real Racing 3

Hill Climb Racing is game which was played in the world and also downloaded by billions of user. It is also ranked in top game of the world. Real racing 3 is game in which race is involved and you have to compete with your player.

Game Overview

Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk was a game released by Fingersoft in 2012. Real Racing 3 is a game which was developed by Electronic Arts in 28 Feb 2013. So basically Hill Climb Racing mod Apk released earlier than Real Racing 3.

Features Comparison

Name Hill Climb RacingReal Racing 3 
Game OverviewDeveloped By FingersoftDeveloped by Electronic Arts
Graphics and VisualsExcellent GraphicsAmazing graphics
Vehicle SelectionVehicle Is important for every map to start.A lot of vehicle are involved to start the game
Interface  User friendly InterfaceUser Friendly interface
Vehicle Customization   Customization boost up the vehicleUpgradation required to pass the level in game
Traffic System   No Traffic is involvedNo traffic is involved but to take care of competitor
Multiplayer Mode   Single play game onlySingle player but up to 8 player can play this game
Pricing/In-app Purchasing   Free GameFree Game
Hill Climb Racing VS Real Racing 3

Graphics and Visuals

Graphics which involved in the Hill climb racing Mod Apk and Real Racing 3 are excellent. Both of them have tremendous graphics and their color combination with with vehicle and map are playing critical role in the game.

Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk having a lot of maps in the game and their graphics are build different but Real Racing 3 is a game in which a lot of vehicle up to 416 are involved to play this game


Hill climb Racing Mod Apk is a game which was developed for children so their interface is user friendly and can be easily played. Real Racing 3 is a heavy game and that a why their interface is little bit difficult.

Vehicle Customization

Hill climb racing mod apk having more than 40 maps in the game and vehicle are involved. Each map require different skillset and vehicle upgradation. If you want to score high and pass a lot of distance then you must need to upgrade your vehicle. Also keep in mind that each map is designed for different vehicle so you take care in selecting the vehicle for the map.

Real Racing 3 is a game which is having 816 vehicle and almost 10+ maps in the game. If you need to play this game and beat your competitor in the game then you have to upgrade your vehicle. It also save your money to buy new car because new car is expensive to buy then to upgrade your vehicle.

Weather effects and time of the day

Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk has no weather effect in game and also Real Racing 3 do not have feature of day and night.

Traffic System

No Traffic is involved in the Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk but in Real Racing 3 you have to beat your competitor but still there is no traffic involved in the game.

Multiplayer Mode

In Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk there is no multiplayer system in this game and in Real Racing 3 you can play upto with 8 competitor.

Mobile VS PC gaming

For pc and laptop, you have to install a software name blue stack to play these game.

Pricing/in-app Purchasing

Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk and Real Racing 3 both of these games are free but money is involved in purchasing vehicle or map.


In Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk a lot of maps and vehicle make game more interesting to play. Also their map having a lot of variation and upgradation of vehicle also play important role in the game. But there is no time involved in this game still you have to refill your vehicle tank to speed up your vehicle. In Real racing 3 competitor system is involved but require high device or PC otherwise game will be stopped or slow and you cannot enjoy it.

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