Hill climb racing mod apk vs Subway Surf

Hill Climb Racing VS Subway Surf

Top games in the world is Hill Climb Racing and it’s VS Subway Surf. Both of these games are 2D games. Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk in which different vehicle and maps are involved to play the game. In subway surf is a runner game in which a police man is try to catch the thief. This article explores Hill Climb Racing VS Subway Surf games.

Overview: Hill Climb Racing VS Subway Surf

Hill Climb Racing are developed and released by Fingersoft. Subway Surf  is released by SYBO in 2012.

Features Comparison

NameHill Climb RacingSubway Surf
Game OverviewDeveloped By FingersoftDeveloped by SYBO
Graphics and VisualsAmazing GraphicsExcellent graphics
Vehicle SelectionVehicle must be selected in every Map.No vehicle is involved.
Interface  User friendly InterfaceUser Friendly interface
Vehicle Customization    Vehicle required customization to upgrade in mapNo vehicle is involved and only runner
Traffic System    No Traffic is involvedTraffic is involved which make game interesting.
Multiplayer Mode    Single play game onlySingle play game only
Pricing/In-app Purchasing    Free but you can purchase coinsFree game but coins to be purchased.
Hill Climb Racing VS Subway Surf

Graphics and Visuals

In Graphics and visual both games have their graphics and color combination they choose in the game are amazing.

Hill Climb racing mod Apk  is known for their graphics and each map was developed in a amazing way to attract the player and enjoy their game.

Subway Surf game in which different attractive color are selected. Graphics are excellent.


Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk  have best interface But Subway Surf is also amazing and user friendly interface.

Vehicle Customization

In Hill Climb Racing mod Apk, Vehicle is involved to play the game.  Vehicle are part of game and if want to reach high score level in the game then you have to select the right vehicle to play the game.

Subway Surf  is a game in which no vehicle is involved to play the game but a runner which make the game amazing. One police man is trying to catch the runner.

Weather effects and time of the day

In Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk and Subway Surf both games have no effect on the weather because there is no day and night system is involved.

Traffic System

Traffic system makes game amazing but in Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk no traffic is involved . Subway surf is designed different and there a train system involved because runner is running on the track pf train.

Multiplayer Mode

Both games have single player mod only.

Mobile VS PC gaming

Your Pc must have the Blue stack software to play both of games.

Pricing/in-app Purchasing

Hill Climb Racing mod apk and Subway surf are free game which you can download from play store but you can also get it from our website. Sometime you need coins to purchase something in the game but you do not have it then you can purchase it by your credit card.


Both game are amazing to play but hill climb racing mod apk have upper hand than subway surf because of their maps and vehicle. You cannot get bored by placing Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk because of their variety of maps and vehicle. Also their level system and vehicle customization is amazing to play.

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